Eleveight RSV6 9m 2nd hand (almost new)


Eleveight RSV6 9m 2nd hand (almost new)

El precio original era: 715,00 €.El precio actual es: 650,00 €.

  ¡No quedan más!, Pronto recibiremos más.
 Pago Seguro
  Envío Azulkiteboarding
  Devoluciones 14 días
  • 3 strut kite delta-hybrid design, precise and ultra direct handling
  • Versatile features for all types of navigation with a very wide wind range
  • Construction Ultra-stable construction efficient in any condition
  • Plug and play with massive hangtime but great upwind capability
  • Precision, speed, fast and smooth turns are its main qualities
Eleveight RSV6 9m 2nd hand (almost new)

Información adicional

Marca / Brand


Tamaño Cometas / Kites Size


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